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Profile for Sally Cannata

CBUID: 1180000205
Status: Active


Sally Cannata
Name Sally Cannata
AKA Not given
Address PO Box 8893
Missoula, MT 59807
Phone 406-546-4797
Fax 866-373-4001
Mobile 406-546-4797
Web Page
Gender F
Marital Status
Accurate, professional appraisal service in Missoula county since 2005.

Appraisal Firms

Firm Contact
Home Team Appraisal
PO Box 8893
Missoula, MT 59807
View E&O Binder
Toll: 406-546-4797
Order Contact:


State Number Type Status AQB Expiration Document
MT REA-RAR-LIC-763 Certified Residential Active Yes 3/31/2025 VIEW
MT REA-RAL-LIC-763 Licensed Inactive Yes 3/31/2007

Geo Territories

MISSOULA MT click to show/hide details
Product Fee AVG
1004 - URAR 700.00 557.6
1004 - URAR W MC & UAD 700.00 565.75
1073 - Condo 700.00 553.25
1075 - Condo Drive By 700.00 465.75
2090 - Cooperative Unit No Data 1
Desk Review No Data 344
Desktop Valuation No Data 337.75
1073 - FHA Condo 700.00 587.62
1004 - FHA Single Family 700.00 585.67
1004D - Inspection 200.00 116.78
1004D - Inspection and Update 200.00 125.11
Land 600.00 454.33
1004C - Manufactured Homes 700.00 570.67
1025 - Multi Family 950.00 737.62
2000A - Multi Family Appraisal Review No Data 475.25
216 - Operating Income Statement 150.00 114.43
ERC - Relocation Appraisal No Data 589.33
1007 - Rent Schedule 150.00 114.43
2000 - Single Family Appraisal Review 600.00 391.83
2055 - Single Family Drive By 700.00 481.38
Complex Property Living Area No Data No Data
Complex Property Lot No Data No Data
Complex Property Waterfront No Data No Data
Complex Property Unique No Data No Data
Last Updated March 7, 2024

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Sample Appraisals

Appraisal Document
1004 - URAR [ VIEW ]
1004 URAR W MC & UAD
2000A - Multi Family Appraisal Review
Complex Property Unique
Complex Property Waterfront
Complex Property Lot
Complex Property Living Area
2055 - Single Family Drive By
2000 - Single Family Appraisal Review
1007 - Rent Schedule
ERC - Relocation Appraisal
216 - Operating Income Statement
1073 - Condo
1025 - Multi Family [ VIEW ]
1004C - Manufactured Homes
1004D - Inspection and Update
1004D - Inspection
1004 - FHA Single Family [ VIEW ]
1073 - FHA Condo
Desktop Valuation
Desk Review
2090 - Cooperative Unit
1075 - Condo Drive By


Education Level Year Graduated Place of Education
Four Year Degree 1991 Pomona College
Continuing Education
Education Type Provider Course Date Hours Document
None at this time.
Review Passed
Professional Conduct Passed
Single Family Conventional Passed
Residential Exam Passed
FHA (updated 2015) Passed


Previous Employment Date Started Date Ended
Yr. Started in Industry Languages FHA VA Fee Assign.
2002 EN Yes Yes
Business Specialty
Land Property ANY LAND
Commercial Property
Industrial Property
Agricultural Property
Public Property
Recreational Property
Special Purpose Property
Consult Residential Yes
Consult Commercial
Missoula MLS - MT